Mushroom Substrate

Discover a Variety of Mushroom Substrates Tailored to Your Cultivation Needs

At Out Grow, we specialize in providing a diverse range of mushroom substrates to cater to both novice and experienced cultivators. Our selection spans across Bulk Substrates, Sterilized Grain Spawn, and Raw Materials, each carefully prepared to ensure successful mushroom cultivation. Dive into our categories to find the perfect substrate for your next cultivation project.

Choose from different mushroom substrates like Sterilized Grain Spawn, Bulk Mushroom Substrate, and Raw Materials:

Bulk Substrates:

Your foundation for successful mushroom cultivation. Browse our selection of ready-to-use bulk substrates.

Sterilized Grain Spawn:

Our sterilized grain spawn provides a high-quality starting point for mushroom growth, ensuring healthy mycelium development.

Raw Materials:

Explore our range of raw materials to create your own custom substrate blends tailored to your specific cultivation requirements.

Enhance Your Cultivation Knowledge:

Delve deeper into the world of mushroom cultivation with our educational resources. Check out our Blog for tips, guides, and insights to enhance your cultivation journey.

Sterilized Grain Spawn

Jars of Sterilized Grain Spawn for Mushroom CultivationJars of Sterilized Grain Spawn for Mushroom Cultivation

Bulk Mushroom Substrates

Manure Based Mushroom SubstrateManure Based Mushroom Substrate

Raw Materials For Mushroom Cultivation

Cut Wheat StrawCut Wheat Straw
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