
  • Yellow Beeswax Beads can be used in mushroom cultivation as a binding agent, helping to hold together the ingredients in substrate mixes and preventing them from falling apart.
  • The smooth texture of the Beeswax Beads makes them easy to mix into substrate mixes and ensures even distribution throughout.
  • Beeswax is a natural, non-toxic alternative to synthetic binding agents that may contain harmful chemicals that could potentially harm your mushrooms.
  • When used in mushroom cultivation, the emollient and softening properties of beeswax can help to retain moisture in the substrate and provide a protective barrier against contaminants.

Yellow Beeswax Beads are filtered to be free of debris, pollen and honey. It has a smooth texture and mildly sweet aroma, and tends to burn more uniformly, and mixes more easily with other ingredients due to its smooth texture. The cleanliness and small size of the Beeswax Beads also contribute to the product's ease of use, and is considerably easier than working with chunks or slabs of beeswax.

Harvested from the honeycombs, our beeswax is 100% natural, does not contain petroleum derived ingredients, and is not processed with chemicals. It contains a considerable amount of vitamin A, which is necessary for skin development. Beeswax also has emollient, soothing, and softening properties and helps the skin retain moisture. It is often used in cosmetic and skincare products as a thickening agent, emulsifier, and humectant. It has a wide range of uses including mushroom cultivation, soaps, salves, balms, skin creams, candles, lubricants, and polishes.

Packaging: Packaged in a polyfoil 1 lb bag with a re-sealable zipper closure, protecting the contents from light exposure and moisture.