The Difference Between Mushroom Mycelium vs Fruiting Bodies

The Difference Between Mushroom Mycelium vs Fruiting Bodies

Difference between Mycelium and Mushrooms

When it comes to fungi, most people are familiar with mushrooms. These colorful and sometimes strange-looking organisms have been used in cooking and traditional medicine for centuries. However, there is more to the world of fungi than just the mushroom itself. In fact, mushrooms are just one part of a much larger organism known as the fungus. Within the fungal world, there are two main components that are often confused with each other - mycelium and mushrooms. While they are related, there are some key differences between the two.

Mycelium and Fruiting Bodies

Mycelium refers to the vegetative body of the fungus. It is the part of the fungus that is usually hidden from plain sight. Mycelium is made up of a network of thread-like structures called hyphae, which grow underground or within a substrate. These hyphae function as the fungal equivalent of roots, providing the fungus with nutrients and water from its surrounding environment. Mycelium is typically white or beige in color and can be found in a variety of habitats, from forests to your own backyard.

It is important to note that mycelium is not a mushroom itself. Rather, it is the precursor to the fruit body, which is the part of the fungus that we commonly recognize as a mushroom. Without mycelium, mushrooms would not exist.

The Intricacies of Mushroom Anatomy

Every part of the mushroom plays a crucial role in its growth, reproduction, and survival. The fruiting body, which is the part we commonly see and consume, is just the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the soil or substrate lies the mycelium that’s responsible for absorbing nutrients and serving as the foundation for the mushroom's growth. This intricate network of thread-like structures is where the mushroom draws its sustenance, and it's also where the initial stages of mushroom development occur. As the mycelium expands and consumes its substrate, it prepares to produce the fruiting body, which will eventually emerge above ground.

Mushroom Growing and Commercial Production

Growing mushrooms commercially involves a deep understanding of the mushroom life cycle. The process starts with the vegetative mycelium, which serves as the vegetative body. This mycelium is grown on a substrate, often grain, leading to the term "mycelium on grain." As the fungi's mycelium spreads, it consumes the substrate for nutrients. When conditions are right, the mycelium will form a mushroom, marking the transition from the vegetative stage to the reproductive phase.

Mushroom Fruiting and Life Cycle

Mushrooms, on the other hand, are the fruit bodies of the fungus. These are the structures that we often see popping up from the ground or growing on trees. Unlike mycelium, mushrooms are usually easy to spot due to their distinct shapes, colors, and sizes. They come in a wide variety of species, each with its own unique characteristics and properties.

One key difference between mycelium and mushrooms is their purpose. While mycelium functions primarily to absorb nutrients and reproduce, mushrooms serve as the reproductive structure of the fungus. In other words, mushrooms produce spores that can be dispersed to produce new mycelium and continue the life cycle of the fungus.

Functional Mushrooms and Their Benefits

Functional mushrooms, like the reishi mushroom, have been used for centuries in traditional medicine. Reishi, in particular, is often found in the form of a reishi supplement, prized for its potential health benefits. Whether in mushroom powder or mushroom extract form, these products harness the power of both the fruiting body and the mycelium. It's essential to understand that the compounds found in the fruiting bodies might differ from those found in the mycelium. This distinction is crucial when choosing a medicinal mushroom supplement.

The Rise of Functional Mushroom Supplements

With the increasing awareness of the health benefits associated with mushrooms, there's been a surge in the production and consumption of functional mushroom supplements. These supplements aim to harness the potent compounds found in mushrooms, offering a concentrated dose of the mushroom's medicinal properties. However, it's essential to ensure that the product contains actual mushroom extracts and not just fillers. Genuine medicinal mushroom products are derived from both the fruiting body and the mycelium. The process to grow the mycelium and ensure the production of fruiting bodies that are rich in beneficial compounds can be intricate. Depending on the mushroom species, the cultivation conditions might vary, but the goal remains the same: to produce high-quality mushrooms brimming with health-boosting compounds.

Medicinal Mushroom Benefits and Compounds

Both mycelium and mushrooms have been studied for their potential health benefits. Mushroom supplements, which can be made from either the mycelium or the fruit body, have gained popularity in recent years. These supplements often come in the form of extracts or powders and are touted for their medicinal properties.

Many edible mushroom species, such as Reishi and shiitake, have been found to contain bioactive compounds that may support immune function, reduce inflammation, and even have anti-cancer properties. These compounds can be found in both the mycelium and the fruit body of the mushroom.

However, it is worth noting that there may be differences in the composition and concentration of these compounds between mycelium and fruiting body extracts. Some studies suggest that the fruiting body extracts may have higher levels of certain beneficial compounds compared to mycelium extracts.

Understanding Mushroom Products: Powder, Extracts, and Supplements

When you use mushroom products, it's vital to know what you're consuming. A mushroom powder might be a pure mushroom product, or it could be a combination of mycelium and fruiting body. Similarly, some supplements are composed of mycelium, while others focus on the mushroom’s fruiting body. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates these products, ensuring that what's on the label matches what's in the bottle. However, as with all supplements, it's crucial to choose high-quality mushroom products from reputable sources.

Choosing the Right Mushroom Product

With many mushroom products available in the market, from powders to tinctures, it can be challenging to determine which one is the best fit for your needs. Some products focus on the compounds found in mushrooms from the fruiting body, while others might be mycelium based. It's also not uncommon to find mushroom tinctures that use alcohol to extract the beneficial compounds from the mushroom. When selecting a product, it's crucial to read the label carefully and understand the source of the mushroom extract. Whether you're looking for general health benefits or specific medicinal properties, always opt for products that provide a clear indication of their ingredients and the parts of the mushroom used. This transparency ensures that you're getting a product that's both effective and genuine.

Mycelium vs. Fruiting Body Mushroom Supplements

When it comes to choosing a mushroom supplement, it is important to consider whether it is made from mycelium or the actual mushroom fruiting body. Pure mycelium products are often marketed for their high concentrations of certain compounds, while mushroom fruiting body supplements may contain a broader range of bioactive substances.

There is ongoing debate in the field of mycology about which form is more beneficial. Some argue that mycelium, being the primary nutrient-absorbing part of the fungus, contains higher levels of certain compounds. Others believe that the fruiting body, which is responsible for producing spores, may have a more complex and diverse range of bioactive substances.

It is also worth mentioning that the quality and processing methods of mushroom supplements can vary greatly. Some products on the market may contain fillers or low concentrations of beneficial compounds. Therefore, it is important to choose a high-quality supplement made from organic or wildcrafted mushrooms and manufactured by a reputable company.

The Debate: Mycelium Supplements vs. Fruiting Body Supplements

There's a growing debate among mycologists and health enthusiasts about the efficacy of mycelium supplements versus those made from the fruiting body. Some argue that since the mycelium serves as the vegetative body, it might contain more nutrients. Others believe that the mushroom also has a rich profile of beneficial compounds. The best mushroom supplements might be those that combine both the fruiting body and mycelium, offering a full spectrum of benefits.

Conclusion: Real Mushroom Benefits and Choosing the Right Supplement

In summary, mycelium and mushrooms are two different parts of the same organism. Mycelium is the vegetative body of the fungus, responsible for absorbing nutrients and water, while mushrooms are the reproductive structures that produce spores. Both mycelium and mushrooms have been studied for their potential health benefits, but there may be differences in the composition and concentrations of bioactive compounds between the two. When choosing a mushroom supplement, it is important to consider whether it is made from mycelium or the fruiting body and to select a high-quality product with proven benefits.


Q: What's the difference between mushroom powder and mushroom extract?
A: Mushroom powder is often a ground form of the whole mushroom or parts of it. In contrast, an extract is a concentrated form derived from the mushroom, typically through solvent extraction.

Q: Are commercial mushroom products safe?
A: Yes, commercial mushroom products are safe as long as they are purchased from reputable sources and adhere to the Food and Drug Administration's guidelines.

Q: How can mushrooms help save the environment?
A: Mushrooms can contribute to environmental sustainability in several ways, including breaking down pollutants, converting waste into compost, and serving as sustainable food sources.

Q: Which is better: a mycelium supplement or one from the fruiting body?
A: The choice between a mycelium supplement and one from the fruiting body depends on individual preferences and needs. Some experts believe that a combination of both mycelium and fruiting body offers the most comprehensive benefits.

Q: What is the structure of the mushroom?
A: The mushroom structure is made up of a few differnt parts. the mushroom cap, the gills under the cap, the stem which is connected to the cap, and mycelium. While the cap, gills, and stem form the visible fruiting body, the mycelium is the underground part that absorbs nutrients.