
  • High-Quality Culture: Contains 12cc of Giant Sawgill Mushroom mycelium.
  • Natural Habitat Replication: Ideal for mimicking the mushroom's native woodland environment.
  • Optimal Growth Conditions: Thrives in 65-75°F temperature and 90-95% humidity.
  • Versatile Substrate Compatibility: Suitable for hardwood chips and sterilized grain spawn.
  • Edible and Delightful: Adds unique flavor to various culinary creations.
  • Sustainable Farming: Perfect for eco-friendly mushroom cultivation at home.

Giant Sawgill Mushroom (Neolentinus ponderosus) Liquid Culture Syringe

Embark on a fascinating journey of mushroom cultivation with our 12cc Giant Sawgill Mushroom (Neolentinus ponderosus) Liquid Culture Syringe. This captivating culture allows you to grow the Giant Sawgill Mushroom, a species renowned for its unique association with wooded areas and pine trees. Thriving best in a well-draining, organic-rich soil, this mushroom makes its grand appearance in the cooler late summer to early fall seasons.

Our liquid culture syringe, containing 12cc of high-quality mycelium, is the perfect starting point for mushroom enthusiasts and aspiring mycologists. Cultivate your Giant Sawgill Mushrooms at home with ease, aiming for optimal growth conditions: a temperature range of 65-75°F and a humidity level of 90-95%. The Giant Sawgill Mushroom favors substrates like hardwood chips and sterilized grain spawn, making it an excellent choice for sustainable mushroom farming methods.

Dive into the world of mushroom cultivation and enjoy the fruits of your labor with this unique and engaging species. However, remember to always ensure correct identification before consumption, as safety comes first in mushroom foraging and cultivation.

Giant Sawgill Mushroom (Neolentinus ponderosus) Overview:

The Giant Sawgill Mushroom, scientifically known as Neolentinus ponderosus, is a noteworthy species in the world of mycology due to its unique characteristics and ecological role. This mushroom, often found in North America, particularly in the western United States, grows predominantly on coniferous wood, especially on stumps and logs of pine trees.

Identification and Characteristics

  1. Cap: The cap of Neolentinus ponderosus can be quite large, often reaching diameters of up to 30 cm (12 inches). It has a convex shape that flattens with age and typically exhibits a brown or tan color.
  2. Gills: A distinctive feature of this mushroom is its gills. They are serrated or saw-toothed, which is relatively rare among mushrooms and gives the species its common name. The gills are initially whitish but become brownish as the mushroom ages.
  3. Stem: The stem is robust and can be quite long, often bearing a woody texture. It may also show a ring or remnants of a ring.
  4. Spore Print: The spore print is brown, which is common among many mushrooms.

Habitat and Season

Neolentinus ponderosus typically grows in late summer to fall. It is saprobic, meaning it feeds on dead or decaying wood, and thus plays a critical role in forest ecosystems by helping in the decomposition of fallen trees.

Edibility and Uses

While some sources suggest that Giant Sawgill might be edible when young and properly cooked, it is generally not recommended for consumption due to its tough texture and potential for confusion with toxic species. It is more valued for its ecological role than as a culinary ingredient.

Scientific and Ecological Significance

Wood Decomposition: As a saprobic fungus, it plays a vital role in breaking down lignin and cellulose in wood, aiding in nutrient cycling within forest ecosystems.
Research Interest: The unique features of its gills and its role in wood decomposition make it a subject of interest in mycological studies.

Conservation Status

Currently, there is no significant concern regarding the conservation status of Neolentinus ponderosus. It is relatively common within its habitat range. However, like many fungi, it depends on the health of forest ecosystems, so environmental changes could potentially impact its populations.


  1. Kingdom: Fungi
  2. Division: Basidiomycota
  3. Class: Agaricomycetes
  4. Order: Polyporales
  5. Family: Polyporaceae
  6. Genus: Neolentinus
  7. Species: Neolentinus ponderosus

In summary, the Giant Sawgill Mushroom is a fascinating species with distinctive features and an important ecological role in forest ecosystems. While not sought after for culinary uses, it offers a rich subject for scientific study and appreciation among mycologists and nature enthusiasts.