How Long Do Mushrooms Last?

How Long Do Mushrooms Last?

How Long Do Mushrooms Last? The Complete Guide to Storing Mushrooms

Table of Contents


Mushrooms are a delicious and nutritious addition to many dishes. However, their short shelf life can be frustrating when you want to use them in recipes over several days. Understanding proper storage methods and how to tell when mushrooms have gone bad is key to enjoying mushrooms at peak freshness. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about maximizing the shelf life of various mushroom varieties.

How Long Do Mushrooms Last at Room Temperature?

When stored at room temperature, the shelf life of common mushroom varieties is:

  • White button mushrooms - 2-3 days
  • Crimini and baby bellas - 5-7 days
  • Portobello - 5-7 days
  • Enoki - 5-7 days
  • Oyster - 3-5 days
  • Shiitake - 7 days
  • Chanterelle - 3-4 days
  • Morel - 2-3 days

Mushrooms will last longer if kept in the refrigerator. But even at room temperature, most stay fresh for 2-7 days depending on the type.

Proper Storage Methods to Extend Mushroom Freshness

Proper storage is key to keeping mushrooms fresh and preventing spoilage. Here are effective techniques:



  • Store mushrooms in the crisper drawer in a paper bag or wrapped in a clean towel. This allows air flow and prevents excess moisture buildup.
  • Refrigeration at 35-40°F can extend shelf life 3-7 days for most mushrooms. Consider investing in a refrigerator thermometer to monitor temperature.



  • Many mushrooms can be frozen for long term storage up to 1 year. Mushroom freezing guide.
  • Blanch or sauté mushrooms first before freezing to stop enzyme activity.
  • Pack mushrooms tightly in freezer bags or airtight containers, removing excess air. Vacuum sealing bags works great.



  • Sterilize canning jars and lids in boiling water first. Consider a pressure cooker to simplify sterilization.
  • Pack raw mushrooms tightly into jars, adding salt, broth or oil.
  • Process jars in a water bath canner according to instructions.
  • Canned mushrooms can be stored up to 1 year unopened.



  • Use a food dehydrator or low oven to dry sliced mushrooms. Dehydrators designed for mushrooms work best.
  • Store dried mushrooms in airtight containers or mason jars in a cool, dark place.
  • Properly dried mushrooms can last up to 1 year. Consider adding desiccant packs to absorb moisture.

How to Tell if Mushrooms Have Gone Bad

Watch for these signs that mushrooms have spoiled:

  • Visible mold, dark spots or black/grey discoloration
  • Slimy texture or wrinkling skin
  • Unpleasant "off" smell
  • Extremely soft or mushy feel

Trust your senses - if mushrooms smell bad or their texture seems off, play it safe and discard them. Fresh mushrooms should appear plump and firm with no discoloration.

Food Safety Tips for Storing Mushrooms

Follow these guidelines for safe mushroom storage:

  • Wash mushrooms just before use by gently rubbing under cool water. Avoid soaking them as excess moisture speeds up spoilage.
  • Don't wash mushrooms until ready to use. Washing removes their protective outer layer, decreasing shelf life.
  • Refrigerate mushrooms within 2 hours of purchasing. Consider an insulated grocery bag to transport mushrooms.
  • Store different mushroom varieties separately. Their ethylene gas emissions can interact and alter texture.
  • Inspect stored mushrooms frequently and discard at first signs of spoilage. Don't risk eating mushrooms past their prime.
  • Cook mushrooms thoroughly before eating. Heat helps destroy potential pathogens.

Maximizing Shelf Life by Mushroom Type

Now let's take a deeper look at properly storing specific varieties of mushrooms:


White Button Mushrooms

  • Wrap unwashed white buttons in a damp paper towel and refrigerate in an open container.
  • Use within 2-4 days for best quality. Discard if slimy or shriveled.


Portobello Mushrooms

  • Store portobellos gill-side down on a covered plate. The large caps are prone to moisture loss.
  • Refrigerate and use within 4-6 days.


Cremini Mushrooms

  • Place unwashed creminis in a paper bag or bowl covered with a damp towel.
  • Refrigerate for 5-7 days maximum.


Oyster Mushrooms

  • Keep oysters in the original container, or wrap in wax paper in an open container.
  • Refrigerate for 2-3 days only. Use quickly as they spoil rapidly.


Shiitake Mushrooms

  • Place Shiitakes in a paper bag and refrigerate.
  • Use within 5-7 days. The dried version will last much longer.


Enoki Mushrooms

  • Store enoki clustered together standing upright in the fridge.
  • Use within 3-5 days before they become slimy.


Chanterelle Mushrooms

  • Chanterelles should be used immediately, but can be stored in the fridge 1-2 days.
  • Keep them dry in a paper bag or towel, away from moisture.


Morel Mushrooms

  • Morels have a short shelf life, use within 2 days.
  • Refrigerate in a paper bag. Do not wash until ready to use.


Dried Mushrooms

  • Store dried mushrooms in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.
  • Add a desiccant like silica gel to absorb moisture.
  • Most dried mushrooms will last 6-12 months.


Proper storage methods like refrigeration, freezing, canning, and drying can significantly extend the shelf life of many types of mushrooms. Avoid washing until ready to use, and cook thoroughly before eating. Follow these guidelines and your mushrooms will stay fresh longer!


Common Questions about Mushroom Storage

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about storing mushrooms:

How do you revive stale mushrooms?

If mushrooms have dried out slightly, you can revive them by soaking in cold water for 5-10 minutes. Remove any slimy parts before soaking. Use revived mushrooms right away.

Can you freeze sliced mushrooms?

Yes, sliced mushrooms can be frozen successfully. Blanch them quickly in boiling water first to stop enzyme action. Then spread in a single layer on a sheet pan and freeze, before transferring to freezer bags.

How long do mushrooms last frozen?

Properly frozen mushrooms will retain quality for 9-12 months. Freeze raw mushrooms in recipe-ready portions so you can use just what you need.

Is it better to freeze mushrooms whole or sliced?

For best texture, freeze mushrooms whole or in large slices rather than diced or minced. The less they are cut before freezing, the better they hold up when thawed.

Can you freeze morel mushrooms?

Morels can be frozen but become quite soggy when thawed. It is best to cook morels first before freezing. Save excess cooked morels in the freezer to add to future dishes.

Can you freeze and reuse mushroom stems?

Absolutely! Mushroom stems often get discarded, but you can freeze them for future use. Chop roughly, then freeze on a baking sheet before storing in bags. Use in sauces, stocks and other recipes.

What's the best way to rehydrate dried mushrooms?

Place dried mushrooms in a bowl and add just enough hot water to cover. Let soak for 20-30 minutes until softened. For shiitakes and porcini, reserve the flavorful soaking liquid to use in cooking.

Enjoy Mushrooms Safely With Proper Storage

With the right storage methods, most mushrooms can stay fresh for 5-7 days in the refrigerator, or up to a year frozen, canned or dried. Always discard mushrooms at the first sign of spoilage. Proper handling and storage allows you to enjoy their unique flavors and health benefits safely.

Equipped with this complete guide to mushroom storage, you can confidently use mushrooms in recipes throughout the week without waste. Refer to the storage tips for each variety, and consider freezing, canning or drying excess mushrooms to prevent spoilage.

With the right techniques, you can avoid frustration from mushrooms going bad prematurely. Implement proper storage and handling, and enjoy delicious fresh mushrooms any time a recipe calls for them!