mushroom nutrition and benefits

Mushrooms Are a Low-Carb, Nutrient-Rich Food Source
Aug 19

Mushrooms Are a Low-Carb, Nutrient-Rich Food Source

This article explores the many health benefits of mushrooms, their impressive nutrient profile, why they are low in carbs, the most common edible varieties, and simple ways to eat more mushrooms.

Mushrooms Are an Excellent Meat Replacement Option
Aug 16

Mushrooms Are an Excellent Meat Replacement Option

For those who are vegetarian or committed to a meatless, plant-based lifestyle, mushrooms offer a lush food source. Mushrooms are a healthy, meatless food that is worth adding to any diet. They're delicious and nutritious!

The Role of Mushrooms in the Food Chain
Jan 22

The Role of Mushrooms in the Food Chain

Mushrooms are neither plants nor animals. They belong to different living organisms known as fungi. What is popularly known as mushrooms is the edible spore-producing part of fungi that is found above ground. While most people know the role of plants, herbivores, and carnivores in the ecosystem, mushrooms are often unappreciated. Keep reading to find out where mushrooms fit in the food chain.

5 Things to Know About the Nutritional Benefits of Mushrooms
Sep 30

5 Things to Know About the Nutritional Benefits of Mushrooms

Mushrooms have a bad rap for being funny-looking. However, nutritionists describe them as a super-food. They have all the health benefits of eating vegetables, plus many of the benefits of grains and meats. If you're looking to improve your health, expand the types of foods you eat, or eat less meat, mushrooms are a good addition to your nutritional plan.